March 13, in the city of Vyazniki, the championships of the Vladimir region in all-style karate were held. 300 athletes from Vladimir, Moscow and Ivanovo regions took part in competitions. Competitions were a selection for the all-style karate Russian Championships that will be held April 2 – 7 in Orel.
“Be active” Festival took place August 7 in Heerenveen (Netherlands). The 2 European TAFISA Congress took place the same day. President of IASKF MrRamilGabbasov took part in it.
July 27-30 17 WoMAU annual general meeting take place in Fergana (Uzbekistan). These days under the auspices of Unesco. There also will be International martial arts festival of Uzbekistan that will present martial arts and combat sports demonstrations and competitions. CEO of RUMA and President of International all-style karate federation Mr Ramil Gabbasov will take
C 27 по 30 июля в Фергане (Республика Узбекистан) прошло ежегодное генеральное собрание Всемирного Союза боевых искусств (WoMAU). В эти дни под патронажем ЮНЕСКО и Всемирного Союза боевых искусств состоялся Международный фестиваль боевых искусств Узбекистана. В программу Фестиваля войдут показательные выступления по боевым искусствам разных стран, а также соревновательная программа. Исполнительный директор РСБИ, Президент ФВКР
July 27-30 17 WoMAU annual general meeting will take place in Fergana (Uzbekistan). These days under the auspices of Unesco. There also will be International martial arts festival of Uzbekistan that will present martial arts and combat sports demonstrations and competitions. CEO of RUMA and President of International all-style karate federation Mr Ramil Gabbasov will