Dear colleagues! We inform you that due to the new COVID-19 outbreak Government of Turkey prohibited holding mass and sport events. Now we are considering the issue of holding World all-style karate in Varna (Bulgaria). We will provide you with detailed information as soon as possible. President R. Gabbasov
The procedure for recognition (entry) to the International All-Style Karate Federation (IASKF). Obligations and rights that arise after obtaining membership in the IASKF. 1 The procedure for recognition (entry) to the IASKF: 1.1. A National Sports Organization candidate for membership as a National All-Style Karate Federation (hereinafter referred to as NASKF) must, in a free
Всемирный Антидопинговый Кодекс – скачать Запрещенный список WADA – 2017 – скачать Международный стандарт по тестированию и расследованиям – скачать Международный стандарт по терапевтическому использованию – скачать Конвенция о борьбе с допингом в спорте (Париж, 19 октября 2005 г.) – скачать